The smallest chameleon of the Earth

Internationaler Chamäleontag

The world’s smallest chameleon is also the world’s smallest amniote. It is called Brookesia nana – Nano chameleon – and was only discovered in 2021. Given its size, this is hardly surprising – it is only 22 mm long! The male is even a little smaller than the female, which at 29 mm in total length is no giant either. Its home is the island of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, more precisely in the Sorata Massif in northern Madagascar. It lives in layers of foliage at the foot of large trees. There is another exciting feature: in relation to its body size, the male of this species has incredibly large hemipenes! Yes, chameleons have two penes instead of a single penis – handy if one breaks. But in the nano chameleon, the hemipenes make up 18.5% of the total body length. In humans, that would be the same as if the penis of a 1.80 metre tall man were 33 cm long.

But back to the nano chameleon itself. Despite its tiny size, like many other chameleon species it reproduces by laying eggs in the foliage. These hatch into even tinier young, which feed on the smallest micro-insects on the ground. Overall, however, the tiny creatures are likely to have a relatively hard time in the rainforest, as even any spider is bigger than them and certainly sees a small chameleon as a welcome change on the menu, but in fact the main threat to the small chameleons is humans. The nano-chameleon was probably already threatened with extinction before it was discovered.

The discovery was a pretty big deal at the time. It was reported everywhere, for example in Die Welt, auf National Geographic, bei Scinexx, im GoodNews Magazin oder bei der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. You can download the original publication for free here. And what we still don’t know: Is there perhaps even a smaller chameleon? After Brookesia minima, Brookesia micra and Brookesia nana, the only thing missing is Brookesia pika. Madagascar has already had a few surprises in store… maybe this one too?

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Video: EndangeREX, Timon Glaw

How to identify chameleons

How to identify chameleons

Internationaler Chamäleontag

Identifying chameleons – Did you know that there is a platform where you can post any of your chameleon observations online while travelling? Anyone can share their photographed observations with others on iNaturalist. You can also have chameleons that you were unable to identify yourself identified by experts. Some people from the Chameleons working group are also represented there! Scientists and curious people from all over the world can view the observations and find new locations or unknown species from the comfort of their own homes. Or make exciting observations – such as this recent publication on mosquito bites in chameleons.

#show your colours #internationalchameleonday #chameleonday #chameleondayMay9 #agchamaeleons

Picture: Trioceros deremensis, photographed by Simon Tonge

Chameleon species worldwide

Chameleon species worldwide

Internationaler Chamäleontag

Do you know how many chameleons there are in the world? There are currently exactly 228 species! Most of them are found in Africa, over 40% of them only on the island of Madagascar. But there are also chameleons in southern Spain, Italy, Turkey and India. They range from brightly coloured to small and brown, from tiny to huge. An incredible variety makes this group of reptiles unique. And not all species have been described yet!

Here is a list of all currently known chameleon species, each with a link to the ReptileDatabase for further information:

#show your colours #internationalchameleonday #chameleonday #chameleondayMay9 #agchamaeleons

Foto: Trioceros hoehnelli, fotografiert von Marius Burger