Presentation in Frankfurt about feeders

Presentation in Frankfurt about feeders

Book publications Live lectures

To kick off its 2025 lecture series, the regional group Saar-Pfalz has invited two speakers for Friday, 07 February 2025. The two successful terrarium keepers Walter Wiest and Stefan Greff will be talking about their book project and their efficient feeders breeding programme, which was only published by Natur und Tier-Verlag at the end of last year. High-quality feeders are essential for the successful keeping and breeding of predatory freshwater fish, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, small mammals and insectivorous birds. Variety is essential for a healthy diet. The best way to ensure such a varied diet for the animals you keep is to breed invertebrates yourself. In their practical guidebook, which they will present to us this evening, the experienced breeders describe how this can be done without much effort and is also fun.

Stefan Greff & Walter Wiest Breeding feeders at home [German]
DGHT Regional group Saar-Pfalz
Zoo school of Zoo Neunkirchen
Zoostraße 25
66538 Neunkirche
Lecture starts at 7.00 pm

Picture: The newly published book by the two authors, NTV-Verlag

Presentation in Frankfurt about feeders

Presentation in Frankfurt about feeders

Book publications Live lectures

To kick off its 2025 lecture series, the DGHT Frankfurt city group has invited two speakers for Friday, 17 January 2025. The two successful terrarium keepers Walter Wiest and Stefan Greff will be talking about their book project and their efficient feeders breeding programme, which was only published by Natur und Tier-Verlag at the end of last year. High-quality feeders are essential for the successful keeping and breeding of predatory freshwater fish, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, small mammals and insectivorous birds. Variety is essential for a healthy diet. The best way to ensure such a varied diet for the animals you keep is to breed invertebrates yourself. In their practical guidebook, which they will present to us this evening, the experienced breeders describe how this can be done without much effort and is also fun.

Stefan Greff & Walter Wiest Breeding feeders on your own [German]
DGHT City group Frankfurt
Zoo school of Zoo Frankfurt
Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
60316 Frankfurt am Main
Lecture starts at 7.00 pm, admission from 6.30 pm

Picture: The newly published book by the two authors, NTV-Verlag