On Tuesday, 01 October 2024, Rainer Dolch will give an exciting lecture at Frankfurt Zoo. Rainer Dolch has been working for the Mitsinjo Association in the eastern highlands of Madagascar for years, so he will be giving a first-hand report.
As a remnant of the ancient continent of Gondwana, Madagascar has been isolated in the Indian Ocean for more than a hundred million years. Due to the long period of isolation, evolution has gone its own way here and has produced a unique animal and plant world.
These include the lemurs, which comprise more than a hundred species, endemic predators such as the mongoose-like vontsiras and the puma-like fossas, as well as representatives of the tanreks – a group of mammals related to elephants and aardvarks – reminiscent of hedgehogs and shrews. Madagascar’s extinct megafauna also included several species of hippopotamus and giant lemurs as well as the giant ratite Aepyornis. The island’s animal world that still exists today is also massively threatened with extinction due to human influence. In his lecture, Rainer Dolch presents approaches for the urgently needed protection of this unique living world.
Rainer Dolch From Aye-Aye to Fossa – A laboratory of evolution: Can Madagascar’s unique living world still be saved? [German language]
Grzimek House
Zoo Frankfurt (Entry via Rhönstraße)
Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
60316 Frankfurt am Main
Presentation starts at 6.00 p.m.