Interested parties wanted for breeding project with Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer

Interested parties wanted for breeding project with Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer

The larger subspecies of the Veiled Chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer, from the Tihama on the Arabian Peninsula has received little attention in the herpetoculture hobby in recent years. It is therefore not surprising that notes on this subspecies are not particularly frequent in the current literature and that there is also a lack of husbandry and breeding reports. Sophie Obermaier, a member of AG Chamäleons from Berlin, would like to change this and breed the species in the long term. She herself has several adults of the species and already has over 50 eggs that are currently being incubated. Anyone who has had experience with the subspecies, would like to participate by keeping a few animals themselves or would like to take on young animals for scientific work is cordially invited to contact Sophie by email at

Abzugeben Projects